I’m Stephen Stanton and I have a growing desire to make computers and technology way more accessible to the average person. What I am willing to do is, replace the frustration that you and your friends probably feel way too often.I will change this with the sense of amazement and confidence that you should feel every day.Fill out the contact form and I will do my best to answer any of your questions.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

How to prevent your website from being hacked

Have you ever worried about the security of your WordPress website?
What  precautions have you taken to stop people hacking your website?
We all know that  life can become far more stressful if the website was to get broken into.
Not only would you have to figure out how they did it, but you would have to repair all the damage!
 I will explain how you can take steps to stop a hacker from breaking into your website
n most cases, the people that are trying to break into your website are actually not people, they are robots.
These bots are set up to trawl the internet for admin screens and try to log into them.
The most basic of these bots will go to your login screen, set the username to admin and try some of the most common passwords:
  • password
  • password123
  • hello
  • hello123
  • qwerty
  • qwertyuiop
  • your name
  • company name
Some slightly more advanced robots will add a couple of steps in before they get to the login screen.
First they will crawl the pages www.your-domain.com/author/1, / up to /author/9.
If these pages don’t return a 404 error (page not found), then there is an author set in the database.
They simply take the first name of that author, and try those common passwords with the username set to their first name.
The final (common) method for gaining access to your admin, is by trying to access a file that is known to have issues.More on safe hacking on next Blog

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