I’m Stephen Stanton and I have a growing desire to make computers and technology way more accessible to the average person. What I am willing to do is, replace the frustration that you and your friends probably feel way too often.I will change this with the sense of amazement and confidence that you should feel every day.Fill out the contact form and I will do my best to answer any of your questions.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Cyberbullying . So what can be done?

  • Pay Closer Attention -- Reports show that 27% of parents of 13- to 15- year-old teens incorrectly believe that  they know what their children are doing online. Parents need to monitor their children's activity to be able to guard against bullies - or against their children becoming a bully. This could include knowing a teen's passwords and account names or even becoming their friend on social networks.Teens usually have more than one account on there favorite social sites
  • Explain the Consequences -- 47% of teens believe there are no real consequences for cyberbullying. Parents need to explain to teens and younger children that their actions online have as much in the way of consequences as their "real world" actions or share the stories of cyberbullying victims  to get the discussion started.
Watch for Signs -- Victims of cyber bullies display many of the same symptoms and behaviors as traditional victims. Adults should be on the lookout for teens who become withdrawn, sullen, or suddenly spend much less time online. These can all be warning signs of teenagers being bullied.

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